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Showing posts from July, 2009

Aerification next week...

On Tuesday and Wednesday of next week the golf course will be closed for Aeration. We are going to aerify, verticut, topdress and fertilize our greens. We will also be aerifying our fairways and approaches on these days. We will completely finish all of these tasks on greens during the closure. The fairway aerifying portion of the process will be completed during the closure aswell. However, we may have some clean up on the fairways to complete throughout the week. All staff will be working from sun up to sun down to complete as much of this process as possible.

Test plot....

A few people have asked me what the square patches on #6 Green are. They are actually test plots for different methods of moss control. This green has been plagued with moss for some time now. With some different control procedures and sound agronomic programs I think that we will win the battle to rid this green of moss. In the future you may notice, from time to time some different techniques on #6, but I do think that we have found our answer. I will of course post a note when we are going to "go after" the moss agressively on #6 Green.