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Showing posts from November, 2012

Fall Update...

Despite the unpredictable weather that the last month has brought the London area, our department has been successful in working away at a number of winter preparation tasks. Greens: Early in the fall we performed a deep verticut on our greens to reduce organic matter and increase the potential for sand incorporation (during the topdressing process). This practice worked out very well and we will be utilizing it again in the spring of 2013. Our fall Deeptine/Vertidraining of greens was completed as well. This process opens up deep 8" channels to allow for compaction relief, air and water flow as well as sand incorporation deep into the profile. As always this process was preceded with a generous topdressing. This week we will be applying our Snow Mold preventative fungicide. We will also be applying Manganese Sulphate and a Magnesium product to help elevate these nutrient levels in the soil in preparation for next season. If the weather permits we will be applying one more