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Showing posts from August, 2014

Core Aeration of Tees and Fairways

In an effort to control our thatch levels in our Tees and Fairways we will be beginning core aeration of these areas shortly after the Labour Day weekend. Thatch or Organic Matter is a byproduct of healthy turf grass. The season of 2014 has certainly lent itself to the production of very healthy turf. We core aerate our fairways every September as the weather is typically better and the days are cooler, which helps us avoid drought stress of newly cultivated turf. We will attempt to complete 2-3 fairways per day weather permitting. The process is as follows: 1.Core aerate the entire fairway 2. Once dry, a steel matt is used to break the soil from the cores. 3. With the use of 2-3 blowers, we blow the debris into the middle of the fairway. 4. We then use a sweeper to collect the debris and dispose of the material at our dump area. 5. We then dry mow the fairways to clean up any remaining debris. Tee aerification is a much quicker task due to size. Weather permitting, we will com

Moss on Greens...

    As some members may have noticed a peculiar "mould" on a few of our is actually called Silvery Thread Moss. This type of moss can tolerate the very low mowing heights and flourishes in moist, fertile environments. Currently we only have Moss on #6, the Upper Putting green and the Lower Putting green. In recent years a product called Quicksilver was registered in Canada for control of Moss. Last fall we began to make great strides in eliminating moss with applications of Quicksilver, but once the weather in October turned wet, our applications halted. Typically you would begin to apply the product in the spring, but with winter damage, new seedlings and already stressed out Poa we opted to hold off on control. Fortunately the more mild temperatures of August have allowed to start up control earlier than normal. This week we will start applying Quicksilver on a bi-weekly program to eradicate moss from our putting surfaces.

A light dusting...

On Friday, August 8th we will be applying a light dusting of sand to our greens. This application will help to firm up and smooth the surface that has been softened by the recent rains. Once the sand dries we will matt it in with a cocoa fiber matt to help knock it down into the canopy. During this task there is virtually no disturbance to ball roll or play.

Golf Course Update...

The weather in recent days has certainly provided some pluses and minuses!!! Consistent rain has kept the golf course growing nicely through the start of August, but also challenged our bunker management program. An incredible amount of labour has been sectioned to the bunkers. Removal of contamination, working the bottoms and raking the sides have eaten up the majority of our work force. Members will find the golf course playing a little softer and  slower over the next couple of days. Wet conditions and humidity are a recipe for lush conditions. Every effort will be made to provide consistent green speeds during these times. Disease pressure is on the rise as wet humid weather continues, but our plant protection program is designed to minimize any infection or occurrence.