The golf course and practice areas will be opening this Saturday, April 26th. This opening date is a little bit behind our usual dates, but I think that after the winter we experienced we are fortunate to be opening before May! For the first time in my Highland career we will be opening the golf course with some temporary greens. As mentioned previously on this blog we suffered a fair bit of winter injury to our greens. Holes #1, #4, #8, #10 and #12 will have temporary greens mowed into the approaches for an undetermined period of time. Restricting play and traffic on these greens will allow full recovery in a reduced amount of time. We have instituted a plan of recovery including weekly fertilizer applications, constant moisture monitoring, plugging and minor sod replacement as well as light topdressing to fill in any gaps. We are scheduled to core aerify our greens on Sunday, May 3rd and Monday, May 4th. During that process we will be incorporating a healthy rate of Creeping Bentgra