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Showing posts from September, 2014

Golf Course Update...

A lot has happened since my last post here on the blog...Men's Club Championship weekend was very well received as Mother Nature cooperated and our members were presented with a firm and fast golf course. Following Club C we began our fairway aerification program. We were off to a great start only to be halted by two 3" rain storms that flooded the golf course to the point of unplayability. Through capital improvements on drainage, the golf course can take heavy rains much better than in the past...but two heavy storms back to back were just too much (6.25 inches in 6 days). Albeit, the fairways and rough with new mainlines and slit drainage were much further ahead in regards to playability the day after each storm. One of the hardest hit areas during these storms was our bunkers. We have had issues with the drainage in our bunkers, storms like this really show any weakness in infrastructure. Not only were the bunkers washed out and contaminated, but some of the fa...